Project Ocean t-shirts cooler than ever

Project Ocean t-shirts cooler than ever

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Famed activist and cult fashion designer Katharine Hamnett teamed with Selfridges’ & Co for this series of t-shirts supporting Project Ocean.  

Made of soft organic cotton, these tees benefit the partnership project between Selfridges and the Zoological Society of London, which challenges the public to imagine a world with no more fish in the sea.

Project Ocean aims to increase awareness of the issue of over–fishing, inspiring change and raising funds; £10 of the purchase price of each of Hamnett’s products will be given to the Zoological Society of London to set up new – and maintain existing – marine reserves around the world. Selfridges does not make any profit from the sale of this product.

Buy from a selection of womens’, men’s and children’s t-shirts.

Look cool to keep it cool.


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