Louis Vuitton returns to “Core Values” with Angelina Jolie

Louis Vuitton returns to “Core Values” with Angelina JoliePin this image on Pinterest

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This is the first Louis Vuitton ad from the “Core Values” campaign starring Angelina Jolie photographed by Annie Leibovitz. Symbolically, the campaign, picturing a natural-looking, bewildered and barefoot Jolie, contrary to her usual high-glam image, was shot in Cambodia, where the actress had adopted her oldest son Maddox after filming Lara Croft.

Interestingly enough, the picture comes up with a mix of “core values” that can catch any woman’s eye. What’s the “Core Value” that Jolie and Louis Vuitton stand for? Is it family, connoting the start of Jolie’s family with the adoption of Maddox in this same environment, or is it travel, connoting the French fashion House’s history, which started as a trunk maker for journeys of a lifetime in the 19th century?

Whatever the answer is, either family or travel, sure is each one of them has its own public to guarantee receptiveness of the ad from the most modest mother and wife to the most adventurous businesswoman and that is smart by the part of the campaign’s creative director.

Jolie’s “Core Values” ad campaign debuts today in the International Herald Tribune, and will run in several print publications for the next 18 months.


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