A Fairytale Bazaar

A Fairytale Bazaar

Chili Art Gallery is organizing a fairytale bazaar ahead of Christmas and New Year.

In these times of values under crisis, the Chili Art Gallery is inviting 16 artists-contemporary storytellers, all of them committed to the desire to do nothing but replicate themselves as symbols of social roles.

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Artemis Sideridou

As a counterpart of the great sadness and the lost innocence of their childhood, the chosen artists, transform “precious written words”, made out of dream material, into paper, wood, stone, thread, metal and a lot of colour. The works of art guide us beyond the myths and fairy tales to the artists’ own world …… the “pEramythi”.

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Andreas Psarakos

More than that their expressive fantasy reminds us of a narration that unfolds slowly, as the filament from the spinning wheel, into a mixture of powerful emotions such as fear, hope, sorrow, eros for life and magic.

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Vassia Gabrielides

Participant artists:

Alexopoulou Rebecca, Vakalis Nikolas, Gabrielides Vassia, Gabrielides Ivi, Gkana Natassa, Ghisi Komi, Ghisi Maria, Kalintzaki Irina, Kotsireas Stavros, Mpisogiannis Diana, Mpliatsou Georgia, Ougourloglou Anna, Pagoni Lina, Sideridou Artemis, Tsotsorou Eleni, Psarakos Andreas.

Opening day is Friday 9 December 2011, 20.00pm.
The exhibition will last until 15th January 2012.

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Natassa Gkana

Chili Art Gallery
13-15 Dimofontos str.
11851 Thission, Athens, Greece
Tel 210 7292564

Opening Hours: Monday-Friday 10.30-20.30, Saturday 12.00-18.00,
Sunday by appointment.
Web: www.chiliart.gr
Email: info@chiliart.gr

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