Lady Gaga’s New Year’s Day costumes

Lady Gaga’s New Year’s Day costumes

They say that what you do on New Year’s Day, you’ll do the whole year ahead. Not that it needed any guessing, but yes – we’ll obviously be talking Lady Gaga and her costumes in 2012 too.

For her New Year’s Day performance in New York Times Square, the priestess of eccentricity changed two bedazzling costumes; one in silver, one in black. Flashy yes, but not her best stunners ever. As far as I remember, even her most outrageous outfits had always made A fashion statement other than the costumes themselves -be it a green wig or a blue lipstick. To my opinion, these two were just ok for an on stage performance, but I’d expect something more Gaga. The silver costume was too much of Zena or should I say a foil wrap worn by a Venice carnival goer (sorry, that’s what the crystal mask did to me, not to mention that Di Caprio’s “Iron Mask” was the first thing that crossed my mind when I saw the picture) whereas the black crystal-adorned all-over tight costume, although much better, it was very J.Lo. Ouch, I know. Maybe a little nudity could save it?

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We know you can do much better fashion statements than that, Mother Monster.

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I like her hair styling in this picture, and this Zoro-meets-Catwoman mask is much better than the Roi Soleil she wore before. After all, Lady Gaga has always represented superwoman qualities.


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