The first Greek astronaut, famous wealth strategist and author of the best-seller “The Thrillionaire”, Nik Halik, gave me an interview for Simerini newspaper and Sigmalive.com, ahead of his seminars in Cyprus today and tomorrow afternoon. So at the same time as the publication of the interview in Cyprus media, I thought I should share the original english interview with you too, guys.
Where did you grow up? Which are your bonds with Greece?
I was born in Melbourne, Australia. My parents immigrated from Greece in 1957 and they both met in Australia. My father is from Mesinia, Peloponnese, same as my mother who is from the village of Kiparissia. I travel to Greece each year and have property in the islands.
What did you study and at what point did you start thinking about becoming an astronaut?
I permanently deferred from university to pursue music in Los Angeles. I relocated to the USA as a teenager. Then I joined the Russian orbital space program in 2003 and graduated in 2008. I am now a flight certified astronaut.
Which was your most valuable experience during your training as an astronaut?
Teamwork and the study of space flight. My boyhood dream was to become an astronaut.
Is there a date set for your first mission to Space?
I have already rocked to the edge of space and lower sub-orbital. I am awaiting my flight to the International Space Station for a 14 day stay.
Most people would envy you not only for being an astronaut, but also for your legendary fortune. What was your secret of success in business?
I love to emotionally and financially inspire individuals. I add value to peoples lives. I valufacture their lives at every capacity. 6.
What kind of qualities and advice will you be teaching us at your seminars in Cyprus? Can anyone among us become a “Thrillionnaire”?
Becoming a thrillionaire is an attitude where you draft your own screenplay to your own life, living life on your terms and not somebody elses agenda: mindset, belief and self esteem, with multiple income streams and buisness ventures on the global platform.
Are there things or qualities that we need to sacrifice to become rich?
We need to filter out negativity in our lives and filter friends who will never inspire us.
Your message to our readers…
The Thrillionaire® journey is an astonishing personal journey that will touch you deeply. The Thrillionaire® journey is intelligently orchestrated with stories of adventure interspersed with financial wisdom and personal development. It will splash a kaleidoscope of colours onto a life mosaic which will inspire, connect, contribute and stir the soul of every attendee with its oasis of enlightenment.
Meet Nik Halik today and tomorrow, 28th and 29th March, in Cyprus.
To find out where, click here http://nikhalik.publicart.com.cy