Charity Fashion Show in Limassol

Charity Fashion Show in Limassol

Cypriot designer Gregory Morphi and Cypriot brand Marifo Bags and Accessories join efforts tomorrow the 6th June 2012 in a charity fashion show in support of the Melathron Agoniston Health Care Center.

The foundation has been operating since 1989, at first providing nursery care for the elderly. In time, the Melathron developed into a model physiotherapy and health care center. Lately, the Melathron has been even collaborating with the national health system, enhancing the later with 14 beds for physical rehabilitation. The foundation’s aim for this year, is to extend its facilities so to be able to accommodate another 20 patients at a time.

All proceeds from the 20 euro tickets to the show, taking place in Four Seasons Hotel in Limassol, will be offered to Melathron Agoniston.

As about the fashion show itself, it is expected to be an unforgettable summer catwalk, inspired by the bright colors of fruit and flowers.

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