Don’t have any summer plans?
Pack your bags with IFA Paris for the launch of its latest summer project and guest blogger collaboration: the 2012 Summer Ifa’shion Globe Trotter.
Having started July 12th, 2012, IFA Paris delivers fresh editorial content and diverse trends from nine major fashion capitals across the globe to enhance the interactive nature of its site. Every Thursday until September 13th, Ifa’shion readers learn about the best shopping areas, trends and hidden locales from each selected fashion hotspot.
The guest list includes:
– Bridgid from Pho and Chips (www.phoandchips.com) in Londres,
– Sarah from I bleed Fashion (www.ibleedfashion.com) in Montréal,
– Purushu from Stylish by Nature (www.stylishbynature.com) in New Delhi,
– Joanne from Pauperish Strange Joanne (www.strangejoanne.wordpress.com)in Hong Kong,
– One of our alumni students, Anastacia de CitiJ (www.citij.com) in Shanghai,
– Stephanie from Stephanie Surtida (www.stephaniesurtida.com) in Tokyo,
– Mel de Localspotter (www.localspotter.com) in Moscou,
– Stephanie from New York Fashion Hunter (www.newyorkfashionhunter.com) in New York City.
– Jocelina from Pink Chocolate Break (www.pinkchocolatebreak.com) in Rio de Janeiro
– Nicolas from In &Out (http://www.inandout-blog.com/) in Paris
With almost 1,000 students located in Paris and Shanghai, IFA Paris is at the forefront of fashion and luxury education, and offers programs that reflect the breadth of opportunity available in this vibrant industry. Ifa’shion’s Summer Globe Trotter partnership program exemplifies the school’s competitive position as a fashion institute, and its commitment to communicating the latest international coverage to their readers and students.
Visit the site every Thursday at: www.ifashion-blog.com.