Fashion Fabulous London – The trendiest guide for fun in the british capital

Fashion Fabulous London – The trendiest guide for fun in the british capitalPin this image on Pinterest

As the Olympic Games have already been running for almost a week -welcoming hundreds of thousands of tourists to London- international visitors to the british capital may need a little more of an insider’s advice on how to make the best out of their London visit, far from the sports venues.

All the trendiest spots for a splendid time in London 2012, are enclosed in the book Fashion Fabulous London 2012.

Authors Tracy and Russell Rose, a fashion genious milinery designer and socialite and her journalist husband, have both included their shopping, dining and partying wisdom in Fashion Fabulous London 2012.

The top 200 fashion shops for men and women are revealed, together with another 60 “Must Visit”
fashion shops that didn’t make the top 200 but are still worth a visit. Last but not least, a choice selection of over 100 eateries, bars and clubs regularly frequented by the fashion crowd; fashion hotspot area maps; sections dedicated to fashion events, charity shops and a full listing of the capital’s clothes markets; as well as the Fashion Fabulous Hot List of style, price, service and creativity.

Grab your copy from Waterstone’s, Harrods, Selfridges, Oliver Bonas and all major bookstores, or order through


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