LIKE and WIN these earrings!

LIKE and WIN these earrings!

PaulaTrendsets is giving away two brand-new pairs of earrings like the ones seen at the photoshoot of Eleni Kyriacou’s “Crystal Nymph” Spring Summer 2013 collection.

I had the pleasure to be the stylist of this amazing, fairytale photoshoot in a forest location in Central Greece. Since I picked those earrings to style a luxury fashion label like Eleni Kyriacou, I would definitely recommend them for you too. I kept the pair from the photoshoot for myself and saved another two brand-new pairs for you.

All you need to do to win these crystal earrings with a peach rose detail, is LIKE our

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to enter the draw which will take place in exactly 10 days from now.

Members of our

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automatically enter every draw for gifts hosted by the website.

Good luck!

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Photography: Nick Zacharopoulos, Alfa Zita Studios

Model: Katerina Detkova

Stylist: Paula Tsoni

Makeup: Thenia Kourti


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