MARC BY MARC JACOBS FALL WINTER 2013-14Pin this image on Pinterest

I guess it wouldn’t be too much if I said MARC by Marc Jacobs Fall Winter 2013-14 was pretty much 80s kitch – but it was so in what appeared to be a very empowering way for women. Even though I cannot be sure that this specific collection meant so, this very style, consisting of over-sized coats, strict geometrical cuts and square shapes, the complete absence of leg splits and cleavages, shouted for gender equity in the workplace, in a world of everlasting male-female income disparity, some 30 years after the emergence of women in men dominated industries -the 80s. Dream on?

Marc by Marc, Mark Jacobs Collection - Runway - New York Fashion Week Fall 2013Pin this image on Pinterest

Marc by Marc, Mark Jacobs Collection - Runway - New York Fashion Week Fall 2013Pin this image on Pinterest

Marc by Marc, Mark Jacobs Collection - Runway - New York Fashion Week Fall 2013Pin this image on Pinterest

Marc by Marc, Mark Jacobs Collection - Runway - New York Fashion Week Fall 2013Pin this image on Pinterest

Marc by Marc, Mark Jacobs Collection - Runway - New York Fashion Week Fall 2013Pin this image on Pinterest

Marc by Marc, Mark Jacobs Collection - Runway - New York Fashion Week Fall 2013Pin this image on Pinterest

Marc by Marc, Mark Jacobs Collection - Runway - New York Fashion Week Fall 2013Pin this image on Pinterest

Marc by Marc, Mark Jacobs Collection - Runway - New York Fashion Week Fall 2013Pin this image on Pinterest

Marc by Marc, Mark Jacobs Collection - Runway - New York Fashion Week Fall 2013Pin this image on Pinterest

Marc by Marc, Mark Jacobs Collection - Runway - New York Fashion Week Fall 2013Pin this image on Pinterest

Marc by Marc, Mark Jacobs Collection - Runway - New York Fashion Week Fall 2013Pin this image on Pinterest




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