Raising Funds for “Olympia Dukakis: Undefined”


Cypriot Film Director Charis Mavromichalis has been filming a documentary on Oscar-winning actress Olympia Dukakis for the last 3 years. I am posting this today because I have just been informed that the campaign to raise 100,000 dollars on KickStarter for the financing of the film will be ending this Friday, and, if the target is not met, then the 75,000 dollars which have already been pledged by donors, will not be credited and the campaign will end with $0.

Olympia Dukakis being not just an Oscar-winning actress, but also a passionate and inspiring woman, this film is a tale of what keeps us young and what keeps us going – of what it means and what it takes to never stop.

“I have travelled with her everywhere and we filmed her working, teaching, rehearsing, being with her family”, says Mavromichalis. “I ask that you look at the trailer, read a little on our site about who this woman is and what our plans are for this movie and if it touches you at all then please help us reach our goal


Mavromichalis adds, “The more people that donate now, the more excitement we create and so others will start joining too so please believe me when I say that even if you decide to donate 25 dollars, this is a huge step in us being successful. Feel free to give as little or as much as you can. I believe strongly in this project and that is why I am sending you this email. If you can’t donate then please share the email on your facebook or via email.  The more people learn about this movie the better”

Take a look at the link below and I hope the next time I write about Olympia Doukakis – Undefined, that is going to be to announce the success of the campaign and the film premiere!



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