You are INVITED! Fashion party with beauty bar

You are INVITED! Fashion party with beauty barPin this image on Pinterest

Calling London Trendsetters!

An all-day fashion party with designer goody bags, styling advice, a beauty bar for manicure and mini massage, and an in-house DJ,  is on today Thursday 4th June at Islington 10am – 9pm. As Mary Portas and Save the Children are celebrating 5 years since the opening of the first Mary’s Living and Giving Shop for Save the Children in London, Grazia will be taking over their Islington shop for the day. “Cake, bubbles, fabulous fashion and lots of fun is 100% guaranteed”, says Chief Brand Ambassador Erica Charles.

Mary’s Living and Giving Shop for Save the Children now has a total of 17 shops and has raised millions of pounds for the life-saving work of Save the Children in 5 just years – which makes a handful of reasons for all of us to celebrate with them.

10-11am: Live Window Illustrations from the fabulous Clym! And…Grazia Daily reporting from the shop

12.30-2pm: Mary Portas will be signing copies of her books, serving behind the tills…and giving general fabulous retail/shopping advice

3-8pm: Come get your nails done or have a mini massage… thanks to London College of Beauty Therapy! Beauty bar is open!

4-6pm: Hannah Almassi, Grazia’s very own Fashion Editor will be on hand to give you one-to-one styling advice

5pm onwards: in-house DJ and… general fun!

See you all there!

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