10 valuable life lessons from Paloma Suarez’s beautiful fashion creations

Paloma Suarez Madrid Fashion Week UgoCamera/IFEMAPin this image on Pinterest

Spanish fashion designer Paloma Suarez has infused her beautiful designs for Spring Summer 2016 with valuable life wisdom.

Fresh and artsy, dominated by grays, whites and pastels with a bold splash of red or yellow in some of the pieces, the collection IMpossible (notice the play on words?) was presented during the Mercedes Benz Madrid Fashion Week last autumn.

IMpossible caught my attention immediately as I love to see collections which not only brighten up the catwalk but can also serve as a source to guide, inspire and empower our everyday walk of life – such as ethics, values, and destination. I’d really like to buy one of those to wear as a statement or a personal reminder. The original design of each piece make them stand out completely from the usual slogan tees and dresses which have become a high-street trend in recent years.

I organised my favorite ten looks from Paloma Suarez Spring Summer 2016 as life lessons and I believe you will agree with me how nicely motivating and feel-good this fashion collection is.

[all photography by Ugo Camera / IFEMA]

Lesson #1

If you can’t stop thinking about it, don’t stop working for it

Paloma Suarez Fashion Show/UgoCamera/IFEMAPin this image on Pinterest

Lesson #2

Never give up

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Lesson #3

Creativity is not a competition

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Lesson #4

Never hope for it more than you work for it

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Lesson #5

Stop wishing, start doing 

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Lesson #6

Great things never came from comfort zones

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Lesson #7

Give this world good energy

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Lesson #8

Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise

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Lesson #9

Work hard, stay humble

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Lesson #10

Actually… you CAN

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The catwalk looks are available to purchase from http://palomasuarez.com/ where you can also discover more about the designer’s work.


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