The symbolical start of the New Year on a given date -whether according to the Western or the Eastern calendar- is always a first-class opportunity for new beginnings. Be it new goals, a new outlook on life, or “a new me”, we are much more probable to commit to any of those when we are approaching or pass past an important milestone, such as New Year’s Days, birthdays and special anniversaries.
If your New Year’s resolutions for 2017 include anything like revamping your style and/or investing on new wardrobe essentials, then I am sure you will find this secret tool here very useful.
The Capsule Wardrobe Generator by Farfetch will only ask you 9 simple questions to define your personal style.
Based on your unique answers’ combo, the widget’s clever algorithm then automatically finds the best new fashion buys from Farfetch for you, which can be mixed and matched together – so, eventually, you end up with your own personal capsule collection available to purchase online.
And, if you add a little effort yourself and put your creative imagination to work, it can also help you to come up with brilliant ideas about how to style similar items you might have in your wardrobe, with your proposed new ones.