It has been a few years since the last time I attended a live seminar with Dr John Demartini, one of the world’s leading authorities in human potential, and I must tell you that this FREE, ONLINE masterclass TODAY is one of those rare opportunities that can drastically change your life for the BETTER, FOREVER.
Personal coach Pavlina Papalouka will be hosting the webinar where Demartini (also known for being featured in the hit movie and book The Secret) will explain how you can empower all 7 main areas of your life -mental, financial, vocational, spiritual, familial, physical and social- and achieve your goals and dreams in 2016.“If you’re not empowering all 7 areas of your life, you’ll be overpowered in one or more of them and in those areas, people will take command of you, you won’t have fulfilment and you will have to subordinate to their demands instead of going after your dreams”, reads the masterclass description. “There are simple activities that you can do to empower these areas – there is no reason to have other people run you; it’s time you run you“.
The FREE online masterclass with Dr John Demartini, will take place today Thursday February 11th at:
7.00 pm – 8.15 pm GMT (London, UK)
9.00 pm – 10.15 pm GMT+2 (Nicosia, Cyprus)
11.00 am – 12.15 pm PST (Canada / California, USA)
Click HERE to sign up for the free online masterclass!
Who is Dr John Demartini
Dr John Demartini is a human behavioural specialist, founder of the Demartini Institute, international best-selling author, educator and business consultant working with CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, celebrities and sports personalities.
He provides answers to the questions and practical solutions to life’s challenges in numerous keynote presentations, workshops, television, radio and print interviews, published books, CDs, DVDs and online downloads.
Globally he has worked with individuals and groups across all markets, sectors and age groups, including government leaders, entrepreneurs, financiers, psychologists, health professionals, teachers and young adults, assisting and guiding them to greater levels of achievement, fulfilment and empowerment in all areas of life.
He has also been featured in the hit movie and book ‘The Secret’.
Read my interview with Dr John Demartini here