Makeup essentials: NoSmudgee Mascara Shield

You know when you are almost done, having spent a respectful amount of time to create your perfect eye-makeup for that special night out, when you pass a coat of mascara over your eyelashes and disaster strikes… A blot or even a tiny, thin little line of mascara misses its way from the mascara wand onto your eyelashes and ends up spoiling your oh-so-perfect eyeshadow makeup on your…

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How to create an easy smokey eyes look introduces make-up artist Maria Thompson as today’s guest blogger who will show us how to do an easy smokey eyes look. Maria Thompson studied makeup at the Glauca Rossi School of Makeup in London, with a focus on Fashion Makeup. From 2001-2004 she worked as a make-up artist in London and New York until she returned to Cyprus where she is the co-owner of  The Room…

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