“The Experiment” – Maria Mastori jewelry workshop exhibition

“The Experiment” – Maria Mastori jewelry workshop exhibitionPin this image on Pinterest

Next week, El.Marneri Galerie presents “The Experiment”, an exhibition showcasing the works of 29 participants who attended an inspirational jewelry workshop by Maria Mastori.

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Aliki Anagnostara, Kostas Argyriou, Kostis Voulgaris, Maria Olga Vlachou, Matina Gkatzianidou, Mara Desypris, Anthi Zachou, Virginia Thrapsiadou, Erietta Ioannidou, Katerina Karadima, Periklis Kondylatos, Aggeliki Mouzalioti, Vaso Mpolmpasi, Evangelia Mylonaki, Ioanna Martini, Natalia Maragkou, Aphrodite Mperou, Despina Nomikou, Maria Ksanthakou, Sophia Economou, Yiota Omirou, Eleni Panayiotou, Ioanna Panaretou, Vaso Rapsomaniki, Lily Spyropoulou, Elena Tsimtsili, Marianna Fili, Mpampis Hatzidakis and Claudia Jiraschek; all these creators had never tried creating jewelry before. Under the supervision of tutor Maria Mastori, they experimented with the use of papers, tapisserie, feld and yarn, napkins, clay, and so on and so on.

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 10/05/12 – 19/05/12

Tue-Thu-Fri 10:00-20:00

Wed-Sat 10:00-18:00

Sun-Mon closed


5-7 Lebessi & 16 Porinou St 11742 Makriyanni, metro Akropolitel. +30 210 8619488, fax. +30 210 8668195



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