“Jade and her Magicopolis” – Hermione de Paula spring summer 2013

“Jade and her Magicopolis” – Hermione de Paula spring summer 2013Pin this image on Pinterest
Bright floral prints and delicious looking ice-creams mix in Hermione de Paula’s Spring Summer 2013 collection, “Jade and her Magicopolis”.
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The collection invokes a sensory and hallucinatory exploration, which invites a surreal like quality to the prints and forms, part of the pervasive theme that things are not always as they seem.
99p flake ice cream cornets emerging from floral stems in rose bouquets and vividly hued cocktail flowers with umbrella’s open up to reveal their bounty…
The collection exists as a dreamlike state of memories, colours and surreal episodes that make up a magical journey.
Which of the looks would be your favorite?
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