Bright and joyous, yellow could be rightly described as the absolute summer color, able to lighten up and revamp our every outfit thanks to its radiant and uplifting nature.
From transparent neon perspex to timeless leather, rattan and knits, I went searching for the most appealing yellow-infused fashion items for me and for you.
Scroll down and enjoy, Trendsetters!
MAWI Single glitter clutch with perspex spikes, metal tubes and crystal teardrops
House of Flora sunglasses and accessories
Klutched Lucite Collection clutch bag
FOREST OF CHINTZ necklace and bracelet from the Matches and Masai collections respectively
Forest of Chintz Flower Pop Headband
Klutched Lucite Collection clutch bag
Sister by Sibling
Kate Spade Lemon Bag, now available from our Editor’s Picks
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