Early autumn and late spring are when men and women most often consider improving their body figure. It is not a coincidence that this happens right before or after the swimsuit season which usually unveils any minor or major silhouette flaws that remain hidden throughout the rest of the year.
It’s not about what others see on us of course, but whether we ourselves are happy or not with what we see in the mirror, the self-confidence that we draw from our body image and the impact that this feeling has in our everyday lives and pursuits.
Although remarkable changes can be naturally achieved through diet and exercise, sometimes these are just not enough to tame a persistent or inharmonious curve we may not be able to compromise with – and even if they are, it takes a huge amount of discipline and constant self-constraint to maintain a permanent result.
That is when one may consider a consultation with an aesthetic surgeon such as Dr Alberto Armellini. A master of liposculpture operating in Rome, Italy, and Los Angeles, USA, the world-class Italian surgeon has developed a treatment program which makes harmonious body reshaping achievable. In the following Q&A with PaulaTrendsets.com, Dr Armellini addresses liposculpture FAQs and sets the records straight about the nature and use of liposculpture.
Dr. Alberto Armellini, Specialist in Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery, Gianicolo Plastic Surgery Institute, Rome, Italy / Graduate of the International School of Aesthetic Medicine in Rome, Certificate of Excellence in Contouring Face – LA California
What is Liposculpture?
Liposculpture is the most frequently performed cosmetic surgery procedure. It usually takes place in a day hospital under local anaesthesia with sedation. It is not a surgery to help you lose weight, as some may think. It is a procedure which allows you to perfectly and harmonically reshape your body. Female patients are treated mainly at the hips, outer thighs, buttocks, and the abdomen, while male patients are usually treated around the abdomen and at the so-called love handles.
How is the remodelling of the buttocks achieved?
Modern liposculpture allows you to reshape and tone your buttocks to make them appear younger (lifted) and more attractive (shaped). The beauty of the gluteus depends on its shape, but it also and especially depends on its analogical proportion to the neighbouring anatomical areas, such as the waist, hips, outer thighs and sacral region of each patient.
Which is the surgical procedure?
We use very thin cannulas, only 2-3 mm wide, to eliminate excess fat. We accentuate the ideal sinuosity of the outer thighs and the correct concavity of the waist and the sacral region by proportion in order to emphasize the projection of the gluteal region to appear more harmonious and lifted, while the thigh appears slimmer and elongated. In some cases, the fat is aspirated and re-injected, again with special thin cannulas, to the external quadrant of the buttocks with the aim to afford more rotundity and a more toned and youthful appearance to the buttock.
Which famous women are mostly referred to as ideal body idols by your patients?
Italian women often refer to the body proportions of Melissa Satta. International patients say they aspire a body like those of top models Candice Swanepoel or Giselle Bundchen.
Enviable supermodel body: Victoria’s Secret Angel Candice Swanepoel at the New Bond Street store in London, UK, April 2014 (Photo by David M. Benett/Getty Images for Victoria’s Secret)
Read more Q&A’s with Dr Alberto Armellini here or send us your own questions about Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery to info@paulatrendsets.com and we will make sure you read his answer soon!